Seriously- It's apparent that Rove took a few minutes off from meetings with his lawyers, to staunch the hemmorrhaging in the presidency that he engineered.

For the past three months, the Bush bowl has been in a freefall- Cindy Sheehan, Katrina, Wilma, 2000 deaths in Iraq, Tom Delay, Scooter- all bad news, with no relief in sight.

The Bush Bowl has rolled with the punches, and figured that they could continue on with the stern confidence of a sleepwalker, as they could count on their religious right ("Extra-Chromosome republicans" as the late Lee Atwater called them) to stay true to them, no matter what idiocy they rolled out, under the guise of policy.

But then came the the Miers debacle. OOPS!

Even the charismatic christian "talking snake theory" nutjobs rebelled at that.

In this darkest and most dire time for this cadre of killers, Rove emerged from his secure lawyer-padded panic room, dropped a dime on Jesus Jr, and told him that his one hope of salvaging his last ounce of approval was to circle his wagons, and pander to his bible-thumping base, before this schizophrenic core constituency abandoned him, in favor of a giant inflatable halloween lawn-ornament spider.

And thus, we were introduced to Scalito, this morn.

And what a catch he is. He digs unauthorized strip searches without warrant- even if you're a 12-year old girl who just happens to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. He believes it was unconstitutional for the government to mandate that employers give a few unpaid days off to people who were in the midst of a family medical emergency. He believes, heart and soul, that corporations have every right to do whatever the hell they want, without any restriction from the mean ol' US guv'mint, while individual citizens should be grateful they are allowed to draw breath.

And, of course, as it has been made widely known, this asshole (sorry- but I calls 'em as I sees 'em) believes that a woman should, hat in hand, come crawling to her husband, for written permission, when it comes to decisions concerning her reproductive health.

Read more, here.

This is the definitive moment, for the democratic party. Unless these shiftless, good-for-nothing spineless idiots (apologies to Dennis Kucinich, Barbara Boxer, and the congressional black caucus) fight to the bitter end over this nomination, I'm done with them, for good.