In the latest example of how the invasion of Iraq has been such a boon to this country, the Southern Poverty Law Center has recently issued a report citing a sharp rise in the number of white supremacists being admitted into the armed forces of the united states. Seems the U.S. Military has been so hard up for bodies to shove into Iraq, that they've been willing to overlook some rather ominous previous affiliations of their recruits, including membership in the National Alliance and the Aryan Nations.

At first, this seemed paradoxical to me- organizations such as the National Alliance have been steadfastly critical of the war in Iraq, claiming that it is a proxy war on behalf of Israel, against the muslim world. (This, in itself, isn't anything new- the Neo-Nazi movement has claimed all wars as part of a great Jewish conspiracy- from the war of 1812 to Vietnam.) Why would such a reclusive and small movement send out the few people they have to spare to possibly die in a war that they have railed against, for so long?

Well- it's the deadly calculus of war- indeed, it is likely that they'll lose a few of their agents in Iraq, but the majority will return- now trained in demolitions, urban combat, and terrorist tactics. Not a bad deal, huh?

The racist right in this country has been facing a major impediment in its development for the past quarter-century- they've retreated into a political position in which a Wagnerian fantasy of racial war is their only programme, yet, at the same time, have retreated into their half-mile compounds in Idaho and West Virginia, from which they rarely emerge. They've turned into fat, slovenly white boy clubs that get together every few months for a barbecue and cross-burning. (Ever seen a video of an american neo-nazi march? Half of them are overweight guys who look like they just rolled out from underneath a biker bar porch.)

But no longer- they've decided to send their next generation into the US armed forces, from which they will return as hardened warriors. What will these organizations do, with their small, yet dedicated forces, upon their return?

Do yourself a favor- hold your nose, and read The Turner Diaries. This book is still considered the seminal wet-dream novel of white supremacist culture. I'll admit to owning a copy- which I bought after I learned that it had inspired Timothy McVeigh's Oklahoma City bombing attack. (Note: some claim that there is no direct link between the Turner Diaries and McVeigh's actions- total bullplop. The novel contains a virtual step-by-step manual on how to create the very bomb that McVeigh detonated in OKC- kids, DO NOT TRY THIS AT HOME.)

In this novel, the white revolution is sparked by the bombing of the federal government's "Internal Passport" office, after which, government repression fractures the movement. Folowing the crackdown, the movement adopts insurgent tactics, using one-man commando teams, which eventually escalates into the use of nuclear suicide bombers against the hated "Zionist-Occupied Government."

Following a nuclear civil war, total genocide in the southern hemisphere, and the nuclear slagging of the entirety of Asia, the world is at one, and happy. With a population of 25 million blonde (and probably horrifically irraditated,) blue eyed people, planet earth is now poised on the edge of true greatness... (At least, until the folks with light-blonde hair and dark blue eyes get sick of those freaks with the dark-blonde hair and light blue eyes- but we'll save that for the sequel- "Turner Diaries part 2- The Revenge of the World-Swallowing Anus". )

All frivolity aside- lemme tell ya: I am an old-school civil libertarian- if these folks wanna believe this sorta crap- such is their right. If being ignorant and stupid was a crime, George Bush would have never been installed as president. They can have their rallies, their websites, their publishing companies, their internet-only radio stations, and their occasional visits to Springer- but the last thing that I wanna give these folks is a ready force of 100 combat-trained jarheads who hold as a central doctrine the conviction that 99% of the human race needs to be wiped out, and have the ability to start the ball rolling...